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Hip on Health

Regular price $21.95

  • Description
  • Description
  • Health information for caregivers and families

    This collection of displayable mini-posters and reproducible one-page information sheets provide accurate content on more than 140 key health, safety, and well-being topics. These tools will increase parent and caregiver knowledge, enhance communication with families, and serve as educational tools for the educators and caregivers you work with.

    The field-tested and medically reviewed materials can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Post on bulletin boards or display in common areas
  • Distribute to families as needed
  • Hand out at training events or family meetings
  • Display in staff lounge as reminders and refreshers
  • Incorporate in classrooms to encourage discussions about health with children
  • Include as inserts in newsletters

  • Each sheet includes a space where you can add your program's logo.

    296 pages


    Author: Charlotte Hendricks